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Communication in Organizations: The Example of Walmart


Despite the field of business, the number of customers, or the staff’s quality, communication always remains a significant part of any organizational process. The main idea of communication is to send and receive messages among individuals within a specific environment and for certain purposes. There has to be a context for managers to follow and understand their responsibilities, opportunities, and challenges. The example of Walmart proves that culture is a vital foundation of everything the company does for its employees and clients (“Working at Walmart,” n.d.). Thus, the relationship between organizational culture and communication cannot be ignored because it determines performance quality and satisfaction levels. Walmart continues implementing new communication strategies relying on its observations and achievements to promote its organizational culture and enhance interpersonal activities at different levels.

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There are many ways in which communication in organizations may be developed and affect various working processes. Companies take their steps to identify goals, create a good environment, understand the importance of changes, develop relationships, and coordinate all activities while completing their tasks. Communication includes exchanging information, delivering ideas, building relationships, and cooperating at different organizational levels. Walmart transforms its cooperation communications strategies to engage more stakeholders and strengthen its image in customers’ eyes. At the same time, communication helps Walmart endorse opportunities for the staff, underlining the importance of personal and professional development. When employees talk to each other and share their principles, they encourage a solid background for their overall growth. Walmart never neglects a chance to improve its communication, and its recent decision to use social media for workplace contact facilitates coordination.

Communication in organizations and groups is never a single process that includes a particular number of people and tasks. A variety of tasks and approaches usually impresses, and people are free to accept their interpersonal relationships in ways that are more effective for them. However, any company should have a structure and a system of values to shape its approaches and needs. In Walmart’s case, employees follow a clear organizational culture that is focused on service quality, excellence pursuit, respect for individuals, and integrity (“Working at Walmart,” n.d.). All these concepts turn out to be a part of a bigger organizational culture that is applied when choosing communication methods and contexts. As a result, communication between Walmart’s employees and clients is supportive and inspiring.

The connection between organizational culture and communication may be observed from different perspectives. Still, some common aspects have to be underlined in all situations. For example, successful organizations must have competent communicators who develop effective communication skills and constantly enlarge their knowledge. People need to learn about the latest changes in the social world and not only to offer corporate awareness to demonstrate their readiness for cooperation and communication. Walmart employees try to listen, embrace differences, and make clear choices (“Working at Walmart,” n.d.). These requirements are not obligatory but eligible for organizations with continuously developing environments and high social expectations.


In conclusion, this research about communication in organizations and a real-life example of Walmart is an excellent opportunity to understand how professional and personal skills can be developed. In most cases, companies should understand what they want to achieve and what they can actually do. Walmart does not establish high goals that require much training and effort. There are enough organizational values, benefits, and opportunities in terms of which communication and cooperation are organized.


Working at Walmart. (n.d.). Web.

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ApeGrade. (2023, February 2). Communication in Organizations: The Example of Walmart. Retrieved from https://apegrade.com/communication-in-organizations-the-example-of-walmart/


ApeGrade. (2023, February 2). Communication in Organizations: The Example of Walmart. https://apegrade.com/communication-in-organizations-the-example-of-walmart/

Work Cited

"Communication in Organizations: The Example of Walmart." ApeGrade, 2 Feb. 2023, apegrade.com/communication-in-organizations-the-example-of-walmart/.

1. ApeGrade. "Communication in Organizations: The Example of Walmart." February 2, 2023. https://apegrade.com/communication-in-organizations-the-example-of-walmart/.


ApeGrade. "Communication in Organizations: The Example of Walmart." February 2, 2023. https://apegrade.com/communication-in-organizations-the-example-of-walmart/.


ApeGrade. 2023. "Communication in Organizations: The Example of Walmart." February 2, 2023. https://apegrade.com/communication-in-organizations-the-example-of-walmart/.


ApeGrade. (2023) 'Communication in Organizations: The Example of Walmart'. 2 February.

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