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Communication in Managing Workplace Ethics and Culture

Communication in daily life helps people develop connections by helping us to convey our problems and perceptions, as well as connect with others. Similarly, communication is one of the most crucial tools in the management process, and it has an impact on every managerial function. Moreover, it can be argued that communication between management and employees plays a significant role in increasing work ethic through promoting a good workplace culture and motivation.

A work ethic is a collection of rules and attitudes about what is and is not appropriate at work. Work ethic can be strong or weak, depending on individual employee perspectives, motivation, and general corporate culture. As mentioned earlier, communication between managers and employees can influence some components of workplace ethics that are available for change. First, in an organization, factors that assist employees in attaining their aims properly are considered part of the motivation. In turn, the employees’ goals might be identified through dialogue with a manager, which should bring clarity and connect an employee’s aspirations to the company’s objectives. Moreover, research supports such a claim: for example, Saputra (2021) highlights that communication is the instrument with which managers convey corporate goals to company members and support people in providing instances of their finest performance as examples or role models. Therefore, communication is a way to exchange emotions, goals, and aspirations between employees and managers, which creates and strengthens workplace motivation.

Moreover, motivated employees experience job satisfaction, which means that communication promotes better working conditions. Namely, employee satisfaction is an individual’s emotional reaction to their existing job situation, whereas motivation is the momentum to seek and meet one’s provisions. Hence, it is logical to suppose that motivation, built by communication, is related to job satisfaction since the realization of one’s aspirations leads to positive emotions of achievement and self-fulfillment. This proposition leads one to the notion of employee productivity, which might be viewed as an intermediate stage between motivation and job satisfaction. Once again, communication is a helpful tool for helping employees to be productive. For instance, research from Kalogiannidis (2020) demonstrated that efficient communication in any company organization has a significant impact on employee performance. In contrast, poor or insufficient communication typically leads to mismanagement and unfavorable business outcomes. Thus, motivation is necessary for employee productivity, which can be improved through adequate communication, and leads to job satisfaction.

Furthermore, communication aids in process control, which is necessary for building discipline as a part of the work ethic. It aids in the regulation of organizational members’ behavior in a variety of ways. As such, employees in a company must adhere to several levels of hierarchy as well as specific concepts and norms. The presence of adequate and straightforward communication is intended to improve comprehension for all personnel. Meanwhile, discipline represents the extent to which someone is responsible for their responsibilities. They must follow organizational policies, do their duties effectively, and express any work problems or grievances to their supervisors. All of these processes require clear communication between employees and managers. Thus, communication aids in the management control role, which results in greater discipline. The described suggestions are supported by the research as well. As such, in the case study of Kuncowati and Rokhmawati (2018), communication and work discipline had a substantial impact on employee performance. Therefore, communication strengthens its positive influence on employees’ productivity by aiding in constructing discipline in work ethic.

Finally, all of the mentioned factors contribute to shaping a good workplace culture in an organization. For example, organizations frequently attempt to build inclusive and respectful cultures. In turn, effective communication is essential for getting along with diverse individuals and gaining the trust of coworkers. Moreover, employees will be more likely to respond favorably to criticism that is straightforward, consistent, and free of emotional overtones. Positive feedback for good work is critical for increasing members of the team’s self-esteem, which translates to improved employee relations in the long run. Instead of being perceived as a boss, a manager who learns and develops practical communication skills is more likely to attain trust. Additionally, mentoring relationships may develop in companies that support excellent communication abilities. Dedicated managers who understand the importance of sharing the benefits of their experience will need communication skills and opportunities to realize their strengths. The interactions between managers and employees will allow both parties to learn from one another while also moving the organization forward. Therefore, communication is a fundamental tool for creating a sustainable workplace culture, which includes trust, diversity, respect, and encouragement of learning among employees.

To conclude, organizations require the presence of communication between employees and managers to strengthen productive work ethics and build favorable workplace culture. Communication raises the chances of mutual understanding between personnel and management, which results in realizing the workers’ aspirations, making them highly motivated. In turn, employees who pursue goals aligned with the organization’s aims are more productive and satisfied with their jobs. These components, along with discipline arising from clear communication, contribute to a good work ethic. As a result, a workplace culture that encourages diversity, trust, respect, and learning can be built with the help of communication.


Kalogiannidis, S. (2020). Impact of effective business communication on employee performance. European Journal of Business and Management Research, 5(6). Web.

Kuncowati, H., & Rokhmawati, H. N. (2018). The influence of communication and work discipline on the employee performance (A case study of employee performance of Dwi Arsa Citra Persada Foundation in Yogyakarta & Indonesia). Researchers World: Journal of Arts & Science and Commerce, 9(2), 06. Web.

Saputra, F. (2021). Leadership, communication, and work motivation in determining the success of professional organizations. Journal of Law, Politic and Humanities, 1(2), 59-70. Web.

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ApeGrade. (2023, December 24). Communication in Managing Workplace Ethics and Culture. Retrieved from https://apegrade.com/communication-in-managing-workplace-ethics-and-culture/


ApeGrade. (2023, December 24). Communication in Managing Workplace Ethics and Culture. https://apegrade.com/communication-in-managing-workplace-ethics-and-culture/

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"Communication in Managing Workplace Ethics and Culture." ApeGrade, 24 Dec. 2023, apegrade.com/communication-in-managing-workplace-ethics-and-culture/.

1. ApeGrade. "Communication in Managing Workplace Ethics and Culture." December 24, 2023. https://apegrade.com/communication-in-managing-workplace-ethics-and-culture/.


ApeGrade. "Communication in Managing Workplace Ethics and Culture." December 24, 2023. https://apegrade.com/communication-in-managing-workplace-ethics-and-culture/.


ApeGrade. 2023. "Communication in Managing Workplace Ethics and Culture." December 24, 2023. https://apegrade.com/communication-in-managing-workplace-ethics-and-culture/.


ApeGrade. (2023) 'Communication in Managing Workplace Ethics and Culture'. 24 December.

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